How I Met Your Mother

Why I’m watching… How I Met Your Mother season 9

by Grace Crawford

Images courtesy of Bay & Thomas Productions and 20th Century Fox.

Images courtesy of Bay & Thomas Productions and 20th Century Fox.

I’ve been watching HIMYM since… I guess it’s been, what, four or five years now? Right after I graduated high school, at any rate. It’s been a crazy ride, what with the incomparable awesomeness of the first two seasons and the middling-ness of the seasons that followed. More often than not it was a single episode every now and then, not an entire season, that rocked my world, made me believe in the magic of this show, and kept me watching.

My absolute favourite episode is season two’s “Slap Bet.” It had humour paired with serious relationship issues, the start of plot threads that continue to this day (the slaps, Robin Sparkles, etc.), and an indefinable charm that gets me every single time, even though I’ve now seen it dozens of times. I love the episodes like this, the ones that define for me what HIMYM is all about: not just the hapless Ted’s love life, but real, true friendships that only get stronger as the characters I love grow up and move forward with their lives.

1-2. “The Locket,” “Coming Back”
3. Last Time in New York”
4. “The Broken Code”
5. “The Poker Game”
6. “Knight Vision”
7. “No Questions Asked”
8. “The Lighthouse”
9. “Platonish”
10-11. “Mom and Dad,” “Bedtime Stories”
12. “The Rehearsal Dinner”
13. “Bass Player Wanted”
14. “Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra”
15. “Unpause”
16. “How Your Mother Met Me”
17. “Sunrise”
18. “Rally”
19. “Vesuvius”
20. “Daisy”
21. “Gary Blauman”
22. “The End of the Aisle”
23-24. “Last Forever”