

Opening this Weekend

Cars 3

Rough Night

All Eyez on Me

The Book of Henry

A Womb of Their Own

Happy Birthday, Mango!

This Weekend’s Box Office Predictions

  1. Cars 3
  2. Wonder Woman
  3. Rough Night
  4. All Eyez on Me
  5. The Mummy

What You Should See

Y’know what’s funny?  That there’s an American spelling for “meters” when they’ve so vehemently rejected the use of the metric system.  Why am I bringing this up now?  Because 47 Meters Down, a shark movie starring Mandy Moore, debuts this weekend, but if you live in Edmonton, ya can’t see it because it’s not showing anywhere here.  This is important for two reasons: 1) You may have heard of it and were looking forward to it (so now you know you can’t), and 2) There’s not a whole lot to talk about this weekend when it comes to the new release movies that you can see.

The one really big, really exciting thing happening this weekend at the movies is DEDfest’s Tough as F*** International Action Film Festival at Metro Cinema, featuring screenings of four really good movies, Rolling Thunder, Death Proof, Hot Fuzz, and Hard Boiled!  Seriously, if you’re going to see a movie this weekend, it should be one of those.  I may quibble a bit with Hot Fuzz being an example as “Tough as F***” (it’s more funny and engaging than tough), but the rest of the lineup is above reproach, especially Hard Boiled, a Hong Kong movie that literally everyone needs to see before they die, and Death Proof , which I applaud the fest for showing away from its usual Grindhouse companion, the far inferior, semi-pointless Planet Terror.

No doubt the weekend’s biggest new release is Cars 3, the latest in the franchise almost universally recognized as the worst movies Pixar makes, and… I’m not inspired enough by the movie to think of a good ending to this sentence.  Meanwhile, the R-rated, female-directed, all-female-casted Rough Night looks equally like something not necessarily bad but that also doesn’t seem very exciting, the Tupac Shakur biopic All Eyez on Me is, as of this writing, holding a Rotten Tomatoes rating below 15%, and The Book of Henry… actually I was kind of looking forward to the I’m-not-sure-what-kind-of-movie-this-is-trying-to-be Book of Henry (and I might still see it), but it’s also not looking so hot in terms of critical response.

A little bit more interesting is the men-getting-pregnant documentary A Womb of Their Own (and yeah, that’s probably a gross oversimplification, but that description alone looks a hell of a lot more interesting than any of the week’s major new movie releases) and Happy Birthday, Mango! (only the second movie in the history of our Weekend Predictions & Predilections weeklies to not have a trailer video anywhere on the Internet (that I could find) to embed) might be interesting, comes to us from local filmmakers, and the exclusive community screening at Metro Cinema this weekend will be accompanied by a Q&A with the cast and crew and refreshments.  To be clear, the questions and answers will be with the cast and crew, there will be no opportunity to direct questions or receive answers from the refreshments.  I can see how my wording may have made that ambiguous.  Would a comma before “and refreshments” have helped?